Compatible XF 2.x versions
LicenseCreative Commons licenseVisible brandingNo
This add-on allows you to create custom statistics fields on your forums. You can revise the phrases as you wish through your language file.
I want to make an important reminder.
Yes you can show the areas you want as a widget but I recommend not to use it in the sidebar.
You can simply add a widget if you want to show it in any template
<xf: widget key = "widget_key" />
Add a Widget
Enter ACP...
Compatible XF Versions 2.3
Visible Branding No
Main Features of Not Alone:
Fully Responsive Layout
Dark and Light version
Font-awsome navigation icons
Font-awsome visitor menu icons
Search box area
Font-awsome sidebar icons
Remove Sub-navigation row
Show/Hide Breadcrumbs
Hide Forum Title in Index Page
Collapsible Categories
Sticky Sidebar
Collapsible Sidebar
Posting Icons
Modern Cross Browser Support
And more...
You were using a different version of this already proposed statistic. I am happy to release the new version with some requests and changes required.
Fixed an issue where the content preview area was not visible in links.
Uniform for XenForo 2
Uniform is a light, modern theme focused around a background picker which applies a single background image throughout the entire forum, including category bars and forum icons. The theme is packed with customizable features which can be easily enabled or disabled from within the Admin Control Panel.